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2010-12-27 10:27 (by bizuayeu)

Now, developing work of TOP Linux is suspended. Because TOP Linux 5.x needs following features, native SquashFS LZMA support and Xfce 4.8 formal release. We want to deliver lighter and more functional TOP Linux for our users. Thanks.


2010-03-19 07:17 (by bizuayeu)

We have released TOP Linux for Kiva
which includes information about Kiva on TOP Linux 4.2.1.

Kiva is a non-profit organization with a mission
to connect people through loans for the sake of alleviating global poverty.
Using the Intern (Show more...)


2009-07-18 04:35 (by bizuayeu)

Now we have released RC version of TOP Linux 4.2.1.
TOP Linux 4.2.1 is based on Puppy Linux 4.21.
Would you test TOP Linux 4.2.1 for mature release?

If you want to know further information, please visit below.


2008-12-18 19:24 (by bizuayeu)

Now we release TOP Linux 4.10-2 which is customized NOP 4.10-1.
NOP 4.10-1. is based on Puppy Linux 4.10.
But our TOP Linux 4.10-2 is effectively Puppy Linux 4.12 base.
Because we patched almost all bugfixes to be Puppy Linux 4.12.
If yo (Show more...)
Archive per year
2008 / 2009 / 2010