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Mindmeld is an enterprise-capable knowledge sharing system designed for any Web community that needs to capture and share information. It is unique in that the knowledge base grows smarter every time it's used. It incorporates terms used in each search into a contextual map of the answer itself, continually improving its ability to derive contextual information from a given search. The system learns how people typically search for an answer by identifying which terms are most valuable in any specific context.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-12-11 20:46 Back to release list

Database tables can now be created with an arbitrary prefix to reduce database namespace conflicts. There is a new "smarty_css" interface (with an accompanying "arsstyle" theme) that uses stylesheets for display instead of HTML frames and includes Javascript popup help. Newly added answers are easier to find and reinforce. The search results list shows which answers a user has viewed and what feedback they have provided. ADOdb has been upgraded to 4.04, and Smarty to 2.6. There are many bugfixes.
標籤: Development, Major feature enhancements

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