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StatusNet is a microblogging platform. A StatusNet site is a lightweight social network that helps a community, company, or group to exchange short messages, files, and data over the Web. Users can choose which people to "follow" and receive only their friends' or colleagues' status messages. It provides a service that is similar to Twitter, Yammer, SocialCast, or Chatter.

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2011-10-01 07:20 Back to release list

Private updates, including private-to-groups, private within a site, and private to followers only. Conversation mode in streams. Microapps can post different types of activities to timelines, with interaction. Events, bookmarks, Q&A, blogs, and polls. A new 3-column layout in the 'neo' theme by default. Alphabetical, searchable user and group directories. Better IM support with the addition of AIM, IRC, and MSN. Twitter-like lists. Subscription to searches. Subscription to tags. Extended profiles for private, enterprise sites. Sites are private by default. Daily email summaries. An automated upgrade script.

Project Resources