Simple Project List 軟體列表

GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3)
477 projects in result set
最後更新: 2011-11-01 21:11


radare2 aims to create a complete, portable, multi-architecture, Unix-like toolchain for reverse engineering. It is composed of a hexadecimal editor (radare) with a wrapped I/O layer supporting multiple backends for local/remote files, debugger (OS X, BSD, Linux, W32), stream analyzer, assembler/disassembler (rasm) for x86, ARM, PPC, m68k, Java, MSIL, and SPARC, code analysis modules, and scripting facilities. It also has a bindiffer named radiff, base converter (rax), a shellcode development helper (rasc), a binary information extractor supporting PE, Mach0, ELF, class, etc. named rabin, and a block-based hash utility called rahash. Radare was rewritten as radare2, and the old version is only maintained for bugfixes.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2011-01-25 14:52


pythonOCC is a 3D CAD/PLM development library for the Python programming language. It provides 3D hybrid modeling, data exchange (support for the STEP/IGES file format), GUI management support (wxPython, PyQt, python-xlib), parametric modeling, and advanced meshing features. pythonOCC is built upon the OpenCASCADE 3D modeling kernel and the salomegeom and salomesmesh packages. Some high level packages (for parametric modeling, topology, data exchange, webservices, etc.) extend the builtin features of those libraries to enable highly dynamic and modular programming of any CAD application.

最後更新: 2011-10-18 23:22


Sonar enables you to collect, analyze, and report metrics on source code. Sonar not only offers consolidated reporting on and across projects throughout time, but a central place to manage code quality. With no complex infrastructure, Sonar fulfills needs in terms of code quality, whether it is to make an audit or implement a continuous improvement process.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2012-08-29 23:58


GLmol is a 3D molecular viewer based on WebGL and Javascript. You can embed molecular models in Web pages without using Java or plugins.

最後更新: 2012-12-08 00:15

Common Text Transformation Library

Common Text Transformation Library is a library of C++ classes and functions to parse and modify STL strings. CTTL substring classes may be compared, inserted, replaced, and parsed with EBNF grammars. The compiled program implements a fast, thread-safe, re-entrant recursive descent parser.

最後更新: 2013-12-05 12:08


BEdita is a Web development framework that comes with a full-featured content management system out of the box. BEdita 3 is a solid software environment, fully compatible and respectful of Web standards. The user interface has been developed in accordance with well-established rules in usability and ergonomics, but it is also practical and enjoyable. BEdita has been built upon CakePHP, the well known framework, from which it inherits the MVC design pattern. Moreover, a number of third party libraries and tools have been used, like JQuery, Smarty, and so on.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2010-12-14 19:35


StarCluster is a utility for creating traditional computing clusters used in research labs or for general distributed computing applications on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). It uses a simple configuration file provided by the user to request cloud resources from Amazon and to automatically configure them with a queuing system, an NFS shared /home directory, passwordless SSH, OpenMPI, and ~140GB scratch disk space. It consists of a Python library and a simple command line interface to the library. For end-users, the command line interface provides simple intuitive options for getting started with distributed computing on EC2 (i.e. starting/stopping clusters, managing AMIs, etc). For developers, the library wraps the EC2 API to provide a simplified interface for launching/terminating nodes, executing commands on the nodes, copying files to/from the nodes, etc.

最後更新: 2009-11-23 04:33

Java Classic RPG

Java Classic RPG is an RPG framework, engine, and game that uses OpenGL, a challenging AI, huge territories, and classic pen-and-paper turn-based combat. It is in the tradition of games like Wizardry 7 and EOB, but incorporates innovations made possible by modern computing technology. The framework and engine feature a self-containing, playable, algorithmically-generated world, and can be the base for new games.

最後更新: 2011-07-04 22:00


libnodelay is an LD_PRELOAD library for disabling Nagle's algorithm. Disabling Nagle's algorithm can result in a performance improvement for latency-sensitive applications that use TCP. Using the library may be easier than digging through a mess of code and confusing or obscure configuration options.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2012-01-26 16:14


MyJIT is a small modular library for dynamic code generation based on a simple register-based VM. The design of the VM is very similar to RISC processors and GNU lightning. The library is an ideal tool for creating more sophisticated JIT compilers.

最後更新: 2014-02-22 23:56

C Almost Generic Library

C Almost Generic Library (CAGL) is a set of C macros which generates typed arrays, lists (singly or doubly-linked), hash tables, and balanced binary trees, as well as many useful functions to manipulate them. The containers grow automatically, and their memory is managed by the library. The container data, or elements, may also be managed by the library, depending on the options specified by the programmer. The aim is to free C programmers from the drudgery of implementing common data structures and algorithms. CAGL also provides some safety by making the containers typed instead of void pointers. Although, at most, two macros are invoked to declare and define a container type, manipulation of the containers is done using functions generated by the macros. A simple naming convention is used to get around the limitation that C doesn't support function overloading.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2011-04-05 13:28


BoneCP is a Java JDBC connection pool implementation that is tuned for high performance by minimizing lock contention to give greater throughput for your applications. It currently beats all known connection pools, including C3P0 and DBCP, as shown on the benchmark section on the site.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2014-02-05 23:35


MeteoIO is a C++ library whose main design goals are: providing meteorological data format/protocol independent data access; providing safe and robust I/O; making I/O code as unobtrusive and simple as possible for the user; providing ready to use data to the user (transparent caching, filtering, resampling, and spatial interpolation); enabling unattended use from an I/O point of view; offering high modularity so that individual elements of the library can easily be replaced/expanded/added; and by its modularity, help interdisciplinary development, each module being targeted at a specific developer profile.

最後更新: 2010-03-22 16:31


The Tinyserial library is a space-saving alternative to the Arduino software distribution's libraries for reading and writing characters and strings to the USART0 serial port on the Atmel ATmega168 and ATmega328p MCUs found on Arduino Diecimilla and Duemilanove boards. While the Arduino software distribution's libraries provide interrupt-driven serial I/O with far more features and support more MCUs, the Tinyserial library provides only the most basic polling-based serial I/O. However, the Tinyserial library uses far less Flash and SRAM, thereby giving you room to implement larger and more complicated applications on your boards. The Tinyserial library respects the GNU libc ABI, so you can call into it from C and C++ programs.

(Machine Translation)
最後更新: 2013-11-19 12:07


AeonWave-OpenAL is a thin OpenAL emulation layer that uses AeonWave to create one of the fastest rendering OpenAL implementations available. OpenAL is a cross-platform 3D audio API appropriate for use with gaming applications and many other types of audio applications. Its API style and conventions deliberately resemble those of OpenGL.

(Machine Translation)