[ttssh2-commit] [10696] 初期化子を省略しないようにした

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scmno****@osdn***** scmno****@osdn*****
2023年 5月 2日 (火) 23:00:28 JST

Revision: 10696
Author:   zmatsuo
Date:     2023-05-02 23:00:28 +0900 (Tue, 02 May 2023)
Log Message:

- 省略すると0で埋められるが、コンパイラ(gcc)によっては警告が出るのでNULLで埋めた
- setupdirdlg.cpp:520:17: 警告: missing initializer for member ‘SetupList::data_ptr’ [-Wmissing-field-initializers]

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: trunk/teraterm/teraterm/setupdirdlg.cpp
--- trunk/teraterm/teraterm/setupdirdlg.cpp	2023-05-02 13:27:52 UTC (rev 10695)
+++ trunk/teraterm/teraterm/setupdirdlg.cpp	2023-05-02 14:00:28 UTC (rev 10696)
@@ -486,11 +486,11 @@
 		// \x90ݒ\xE8\x88ꗗ
 		const SetupList setup_list[] = {
 			{ "DLG_SETUPDIR_INIFILE", L"Tera Term Configuration File",
-			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->SetupFNameW, },
+			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->SetupFNameW, NULL },
 			{ NULL, L"  Virtual Store",
 			  LIST_PARAM_FUNC, (void *)GetVirtualStorePath, pts->SetupFNameW },
 			{ "DLG_SETUPDIR_KEYBOARDFILE", L"Keyboard Configuration File",
-			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->KeyCnfFNW },
+			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->KeyCnfFNW, NULL },
 			{ NULL, L"  Virtual Store",
 			  LIST_PARAM_FUNC, (void*)GetVirtualStorePath, pts->KeyCnfFNW },
 			{ "DLG_SETUPDIR_CYGTERMFILE", L"CygTerm Configuration File",
@@ -502,21 +502,21 @@
 			{ NULL, L"  Virtual Store",
 			  LIST_PARAM_FUNC, (void*)GetTTXSSHKwnownHostFile, (void *)1 },
 			{ NULL, L"CurrentDirectry",
-			  LIST_PARAM_FUNC, (void*)GetCurrentPath },
+			  LIST_PARAM_FUNC, (void*)GetCurrentPath, NULL },
 			{ NULL, L"HomeDir",
-			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->HomeDirW },
+			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->HomeDirW, NULL },
 			{ NULL, L"ExeDir",
-			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->ExeDirW },
+			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->ExeDirW, NULL },
 			{ NULL, L"LogDir",
-			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->LogDirW },
+			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->LogDirW, NULL },
 			{ NULL, L"LogDefaultPathW",
-			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->LogDefaultPathW },
+			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->LogDefaultPathW, NULL },
 			{ NULL, L"Download",
-			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->FileDirW },
+			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->FileDirW, NULL },
 			{ NULL, L"Susie Plugin Path",
-			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->EtermLookfeel.BGSPIPathW },
+			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->EtermLookfeel.BGSPIPathW, NULL },
 			{ NULL, L"UI language file",
-			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->UILanguageFileW },
+			  LIST_PARAM_STR, pts->UILanguageFileW, NULL },
 		int y = 0;

ttssh2-commit メーリングリストの案内
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