
AD Bulk Admin Tool

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(最後更新 2014-04-22 07:07)

This is an AD bulk administration tool for AD administrator to administer bulk Active Directory users, you can use it to check bulk users, create bulk users, reset bulk users' passwords, enable or disable bulk users, set bulk users' properties, check bulk groups, add bulk users to group or remove bulk users from group. If you want to customize some functions and attributes, please contact me. Hope you like it.
Tool requirements:
1. .NetFramework 4.0 higher.
2. Office 2007 higher for creating bulk users and setting properties, download x86 version for 32bit Office, x64 version for 64bit Office.
Update history:
Fix some small bugs. Put the two files into one zip file. Make a operations guide for user.
Enhance specify dc function, support workgroup admin pc. Publish for Office 32bit and 64bit version. The default download is for 32bit Office. Fix some small bugs.
Add specify domain controller function and donation link.

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