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A base library, base team, and related tools for The RoboCup Soccer Simulation.

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發布 2009-08-12 16:48
soccerwindow2 4.1.0 (2 files 隱藏)


* Now, Qt4 version is used by default.

* Enabled OpenGL rendering in Qt4 version.

* Fixed a bug of the penalty kick score board.

* Supporeted attentionto information.

* Supported say and hear information in debug server data.

* Supported rendering of filled shape in debug log data.

* fedit: changed the format of formation configuration file.

* fedit: supported background data.

* Qt4バージョンがデフォルトで使用されるようになった.

* Qt4バージョンでOpenGLレンダリングが有効化された.環境によっては高

* attentiontoの状態を描画できるようになった.

* ペナルティキックのスコア表示のバグが修正された.

* コミュニケーションのデバッグ情報描画がサポートされた.

* デバッグログの図形塗りつぶしがサポートされた.

* デバッグメッセージウインドウに読み込んだデータをすべて消去するボタ

* fedit: フォーメーション設定ファイルフォーマットが変更された..conf

* fedit: 二つのフォーメーションデータの読み込みがサポートされた.二


2009-08-12 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* NEWS.en:
* README.en:
- updated a minor version. Official release 4.1.0.

- removed fedit/tool from a buid target.

* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
* src/model/debug_view_data.h:
* src/qt3/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.cpp:
- changed heard debug message format.

2009-08-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
- fixed a defect of switch variable initialization.

* src/qt3/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.cpp:
- changed a line color of communication debugging.

* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
* src/model/options.cpp:
* src/model/options.h:
* src/qt3/color_setting_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/draw_config.cpp:
* src/qt3/draw_config.h:
* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_painter.h:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/color_setting_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/detail_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/draw_config.cpp:
* src/qt4/draw_config.h:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.h:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.h:
- implemented PlayerPainter::drawAttentionto()
- added switch option to toggle attentionto painting

* src/qt3/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_log_painter.h:
* src/qt4/debug_log_painter.cpp:
- implemented drawArcs() and drawSectors() for Qt3 version.

2009-08-10 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
* src/model/debug_client_parser.h:
* src/model/debug_view_data.cpp:
* src/model/debug_view_data.h:
* src/qt3/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_painter.h:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.h:
- added new debug information for communication.

2009-08-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- オプションのテスト

* fedit/qt3/main.cpp:
* src/qt3/main.cpp:
* src/qt4/main.cpp:
- コピーライト出力を追加

2009-08-06 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/debug_log_data.cpp:
* src/model/debug_log_data.h:
* src/model/options.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_log_painter.h:
- DebugLogのArcとSectorをサポートした(Qt4のみ)

2009-06-27 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt4/ball_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.cpp:
- GLWidgetでの描画の不具合に対応

2009-06-26 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
- increased message buffer.

2009-06-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/debug_client_parser.cpp:
* src/model/debug_view_data.h:
* src/qt3/debug_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_painter.cpp:
- デバッグメッセージに"Say["という文字列が含まれていれば,sayコマ

2009-06-01 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- clear.xpmを配布物に追加.

2009-05-31 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/score_board_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/score_board_painter.cpp:
- ペナルティキックのスコア表示のバグを修正.

2009-05-30 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* xpm/clear.xpm:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/debug_message_window.h:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.h:
- DebugMessageWindowの内容をすべて消去するボタンを追加.

2009-05-29 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
- (Qt4のみ)DebugMessageWindowがつねに上に表示されるように設定.Qt3

2009-05-28 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/view_holder.cpp:
- デバッグクライアントログの拡張子を変更.

2009-05-25 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/debug_log_data.cpp:
* src/model/debug_log_data.h:
* src/qt3/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_log_painter.cpp:
- デバッグログの図形塗りつぶしをサポート.

* src/model/debug_log_holder.cpp:
- デバッグログの1サイクルあたりの行数制限を4096から8192*4に変更.

2009-05-24 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
- コンパイラの警告を修正.

* src/qt3/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
- ボロノイ図に境界矩形をセットするようにした.

2009-05-22 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
- デバッグウインドウに'Analyzer'と'Recursive'を追加.

2009-05-21 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
- デバッグウインドウのツールバーの配置方法を変更.

* fedit/qt3/fedit_dialog.cpp:
- 自動バックアップファイル名に挿入する日時の位置を変更.

* fedit/qt3/fedit_dialog.cpp:
- 対称なポジションのプレイヤに異なる役割を設定できるようにした.

2009-05-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
- Delaunay三角形分割描画を新しいTriangulationクラスを使って作り直

2009-05-09 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
- symmetryモードでのプレイヤの位置更新のバグを修正.

* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
- 初期化時のfull screenまたはmaximizeが上手くいかない環境に対応

2009-05-08 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
- 背景データのプレイヤの描画色を変更.

* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
- symmetryモードでのプレイヤの位置更新のバグを修正した.

2009-05-03 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
- followed changes of librcsc.

2009-05-01 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt3/player_type_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_type_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
- improved table size.

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.h:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
- followed the changes of librcsc.
- fixed a defect of spin box index selection.

* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
- added checking of empty file path.

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_config.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_config.h:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.h:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.h:
- removed unused menu actions.
- removed background data options.
- fixed a help message.

* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.h:
- added the save data operation again.

2009-04-30 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.h:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_dialog.cpp:
- restrict to the precision of coodinates value.
- set value validators to the edit dialog.

* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.h:
- removed save data operations.

2009-04-29 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
- integrated .dat into .conf

2009-04-28 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.h:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
- changed the type of training data variable to the shared pointer

2009-04-24 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt4/ball_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/ball_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/ball_trace_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_trace_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
- fixed reder hints for OpenGL rendering.

* src/qt4/player_type_dialog.cpp:
- fixed a help message.
- fixed font size.

- fixed option dependencies.
- fixed help messages.

2009-04-23 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.h:
- changed the policy of index number.

2009-04-22 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.h:
- cleaned up.

* src/qt3/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
- supported the changes of librcsc.

2009-04-21 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt4/ball_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/ball_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/ball_trace_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/debug_log_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_canvas.cpp:
* src/qt4/field_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.cpp:
* src/qt4/player_trace_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
- added '--enable-gl' option to switch a base class of

* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
- removed an unnecessary variable.

* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.h:
- added copyXpmAll() for testing purpose.

2009-04-15 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt4/color_setting_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/player_painter_rcss.h:
* src/qt4/team_graphic_painter.h:
- fixed include file.

* m4/qt.m4:
- removed unnecessary string size checking.

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_config.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_dialog.cpp:
- fixed a help string.
- fixed time string creating.

* src/qt4/debug_message_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
* src/qt4/main_window.h:
- added a shortcut key help dialog.

* src/
- set qt4 version to default.

2009-04-14 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* m4/qt.m4:
- improved AX_QT4 macro.

* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.h:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
- changed the argument type of Formation::train() from
Formation::Snapshot to FormationData.
- removed unused method declarations.

2009-04-13 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
- fixed a defect of segment painting.

* Fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.h:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.h:
- added a toggle action to switch show/hide background data.

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.h:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_config.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_config.h:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.h:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.h:
- supported a background data painting.

* fedit/qt3/
* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.h:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.h:
* fedit/qt3/main_window.cpp:
- reimplemented training data operations using FormationData

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_dialog.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_dialog.h:
- fixed typos.

2009-04-11 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
- fixed a defect of debug server restarting.

* fedit/qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
- added check of librcsc_net and librcsc_time.

2009-04-10 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/model/options.cpp:
* src/model/options.h:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt3/view_config_dialog.h:
* src/qt3/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
* src/qt3/voronoi_diagram_painter.h:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.cpp:
* src/qt4/view_config_dialog.h:
* src/qt4/voronoi_diagram_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/voronoi_diagram_painter.h:
- reimplemented VoronoiDiagramPaiter using new VoronoiDiagram

2009-04-09 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

- enabled qt4 version by default.

* src/qt4/main_window.cpp:
- removed debug message.

2009-04-08 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.h:
- implemented new data format parser and serializer.

2009-04-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* src/qt3/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
* src/qt4/team_graphic_painter.cpp:
- fixed compiler warnings.

2009-04-01 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* m4/qt.m4:
- added a moc search path for qt4-mac.

2009-03-29 Hidehisa Akiyama <>

* fedit/
* fedit/qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* fedit/tool/
* fedit/tool/mesh_creator.cpp:
* fedit/tool/simple_remover.cpp:
* fedit/tool/triangle_reconstructor.cpp:
- updated formation factory.