[Mingw-users] Problems installing MinGW on Windows 10

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a.ver****@katam***** a.ver****@katam*****
Fri Jul 13 07:55:47 JST 2018

I hope I'm writing in the correct place.

I have some problems when installing MinGW on Windows 10.

The first time I choosed not to install support for the graphical user 
interface, unchecking the first box.
After a short time the process ended with the message:

"Catalogue update completed; please check 'Details' pane for errors"
"Processed 113 of 113 item: 100%"

In the 'Details' pane there where no error messages but only ordinary 

mingw-get: *** INFO *** setup: unpacking 
mingw-get: *** INFO *** setup: unpacking 
mingw-get: *** INFO *** setup: unpacking 
mingw-get: *** INFO *** setup: unpacking 
mingw-get: *** INFO *** setup: updating installation database
mingw-get: *** INFO *** setup: register 
mingw-get: *** INFO *** setup: register 
mingw-get: *** INFO *** setup: installation database updated

However the "Continue" button was inactive, so I had to quit the 
I repeated this step many times without any change.

Then I try to check the box and install the support for the graphical 
user interface: this time the first passege terminated correctly and I 
came to the graphic interface of the Installation manager; I choosed a 
"basic setup" installing everzthing but ada and fortran. The process 
terminated in a reasonable time, without any error message.

I tried to test the program with a sample program, so I opened a 
command shell and typed:

\MinGW\bin\gcc sample.c -o sample.exe

Then appeared an alert box with the message (I translate from italian: 
"code execution cannot procede because libmingwex-0.dll. To solve the 
problem, try to reinstall the program".

I reistall the program may times, with different component selection, 
but the conclusion was always the same.

am I doing something wrong? thanks in advance, Antonio

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