[Mingw-users] Problems building gcc 8.1.0

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Wed Jul 4 00:01:33 JST 2018

On 02/07/18 23:21, David Gressett wrote:
> A brief bit of web searching revealed that ENOTSUP is a POSIX
> creation and should be in errno.h There seems to be no standard
> numeric value for it.

Assigning the value is the prerogative of an implementation; POSIX may
require it to be defined, but it never dictates how.

> The online Microsoft documentation mentions it, but gives no numeric
> value.

As Earnie has already noted, there may be none associated.

> Looking at the MinGW errno.h, I'm guessing that it has not changed 
> much in recent years. I suspect that it may now be time for MinGW to
> start catching up with POSIX, as the gcc crew may be trying to do
> that.

We can use strerror() to establish what MSVCRT.DLL knows about arbitrary
errno values; last time I tried that, it returned "Unknown error." for
all but those values which are already defined in our <errno.h>.

That said, ENOTSUP *is* defined (arbitrarily), in the extended
<errno.h>, (designated as <ptw32_errno.h>) from our distribution of
pthreads-win32, (pthreads-win32-2.10), which we must use in GCC's OpenMP
support library (libgomp), so it would make sense for us to adopt the
same definition for GCC's liberty implementation.


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