

We call for your help with the Japanese translations for project summaries. The submitted translations will be posted after simple evaluation. (Not only the translation itself is going to be checked, but we also make sure it's clear of wiki format problems. Especially problems that are related to the layout, such as line breaks and links, will be checked, so please give heed. When there appears to be a problem with the translation itself or the layout, we may not be able to post your translation. We often see problematic cases related to links. When there's going to be a line of Japanese text right after the URL, please make sure to leave a space to separate.) Also, even with projects that may already have their summaries translated, if you find an outdated translation or typographical errors, please update. Login to start translating. When you are done, you will find your name at the bottom of the summary as the translator.

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(最後更新 2011-11-06 04:14)

Qute is a text editor with Markdown and TeX support. It offers per-paragraph previews so users can switch between editing the source and viewing a rich text rendering with typeset formulas for each paragraph separately. To make looking at a single text file for hours appealing, Qute offers switchable themes with subtle background images and font effects and includes a couple of great Open Source fonts which are a joy to work with. Qute's user interface is distraction-free and offers a full-screen mode. In this sense, it is similar to such great editors as WriteRoom, Dark Room, and WriteMonkey. As far as the themes are concerned, however, Qute is far more adventurous. Qute reads and writes plain text files using the Markdown markup language for rich text formatting and TeX syntax for formulas. Paragraphs are separated by blank lines. While it is possible to edit arbitrary text files with Qute, editing (for example) source code is not what Qute is intended for. Instead, Qute is a tool for writing prose. Qute is built using Web technologies. In particular, it uses Chromeless, Showdown, and MathJax.

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